Friday, May 16, 2014

Week 8 & Submission

For this week, I started off by adding a door handle to my door to make my building more detailed. I download the file from Archive3D and I imported and merged to my file. Below is a picture of how it looks like when I import the file.

This is how it looks like after I scaled and rendered it.

After I finished everything, I made all my trees under one layer and I turn it off so that it won't make my whole file lag. Later on, I clicked Environment Render to change my background. I got a photo of a sunset view as I feel that my building will be best presented during the evening time. Thus, I used the method from I learned during lecture time to change the background. Also, I changed the figure for Exposure value to 12 as the daylighting is the best compare to others.

Moving on, I set the camera view to get a nice angle of the building. I tried different kind of angles to pick the best ones. I did not choose a bird eye view as I know I will have some trouble adding the trees in scrubs using Photoshop. So below is one of the angles I chose as one of my picture.

Next, I saved my file into PNG and opened it in Adobe Photoshop so that I can make some colour changes and adding scrubs into my picture. Below is a photo of I add in the scrubs.

After adding trees and scrubs, I edit the colour of the background to make it more contrast so that my building will stand out more. Also, I added some sunlight to make my picture more realistic. In a nutshell, below are the 2 photos that I am submitting for Project 2A.
Scene 1 (Eye level view)

Scene 2 (Eye level view)

Scene 3 (Worm's eye view)

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