Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 12 & Week 13

For our final project, we are required to create a 90 sec animation video. Firstly, I planned out the plot of my animation. Basically, I divided my animation into 5 parts. The first part will show the exterior of the building and zooming in into the building. Then it will be the second part showing the living hall. The third part will show the dining hall. The forth part will be showing the bedroom and the last part will be zooming out to the exterior again and it ends. 

So I started it out by creating a line as the pathway for the camera. Then, I selected the points at the line and right clicked "smooth" and it became a smooth curve. 

Then, I selected the points at the line and right clicked "smooth" and it became a smooth curve.

Here is a picture of how it looks like after I clicked "smooth".

Later on, I adjusted the height of each points so that my camera will flow smoothly from up to down.

When I am done with that, I created a Target Camera. Then, I chose Motion > Position: Position XYZ > Path Constraint and clicked the curve that I created previously. Thus the camera flow smoothly with the pathway. Basically this is how I did for the first part of the video.

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