Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 4

After tracing the entire ground floor plan of the building, I started to layer the lines so that it will be easier for me when I extrude the lines. I used different colours to represent different materials.For example, red for concrete wall, purple for windows frame, white for furniture,etc.
 The picture above shows the process of me completing the layering.

 How it looks like in perspective view.

After finishing the layering part, I started to extrude to walls of the building. At first, I extruded the walls but I forgot to change the colours of different parts of the building. Thus I deleted some of the walls and redo it.

 This is how it looks like when I did not change the colour.

Next, I wanted to change the height of the wall as my walls are in different heights so I drew a line so that I can extrude and split and then cut the excess walls. I encounter some problems when I was drawing the lines. Nevertheless, I managed to solve the problem but in a longer time.
 A picture of the line I drew to cut the walls.

 Another picture but different angle.

Then, I extruded the line so that there will be a surface for me to split the walls. In order to do that, I changed the C plane direction to the direction that I wanted. So, the line now can be extruded in the correct direction (surface facing upward).

After extruding the surface, I move the surface to the center so that it can cut the entire building.

I selected boolean split > object to be cut > cutting object and then I clicked the excess wall and delete it. Everything was going smoothly for the concrete wall but when it comes to the windows and windows frame, I encountered some problems as only part of the windows can be deleted. I m still figuring that out but so far this is my progress for this week.

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